Tuesday, 29 May 2012

What is this SOLO Taxonomy?

Kia ora everyone,

SOLO Taxonomy is an area of our school curriculum that we have chosen to prioritise in 2012.  It aligns to two of our School Strategic Goals: 

                                  1. Implementing the Curriculum, and 
                                  2. Raising Student Achievement. 

SOLO stands for the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes. Whilst SOLO has always been a part of our school curriculum, it is our intention that throughout this year you will see the profile of SOLO Taxonomy increase throughout the school. It is a tool to assist us to develop a consistent language of teaching and learning so that students and staff can articulate:
  • What am I learning?
  • How is it going?
  • What do I do next?
In line with our third Strategic Goal: 
                                              3. Managing the Journey,  
we have a clearly structured process and outcomes for our developments in this area. Our goal and process are below: 

Supplementary Goal 4:      To develop a common language of learning with SOLO Taxonomy

Achievement Targets:
  • All staff will participate in professional development related to the implementation of the C+O+O+L Factor 
  • All staff will implement SOLO Taxonomy to achieve success achievement indicators and to support the delivery of the Christchurch East School curriculum
Success Achievement Indicators:
  • Classrooms environments will display the presence and use of SOLO Taxonomy
  • Teachers will use SOLO Taxonomy as a language of Teaching and Learning
  • Student will be able to use SOLO Taxonomy to answer the following questions about their learning:
        •  What am I learning?
        •  How is it going?
        •  What do I do next? 

Staff will:
  • Participate in staff professional development related to the development and implementation of the C+O+O+L Factor (both staff and team sessions)
  • Be able to demonstrate and discuss how they integrate the C+O+O+L factor through SOLO Taxonomy to support the delivery of the Christchurch East School Curriculum and agreed practices
To find out more about SOLO taxonomy have a look at this website:  http://pamhook.com  This link has also been included in the side bar menu.

Take care, 

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

An action packed end to the week!

Kia ora everyone,

It is all go at Christchurch East as week four of the term hits the mid way point. We have our School Cross Country on Thursday morning, a whole school Learning Celebration Assembly on Friday morning and our first Winter Sports games at Hagley Park on Friday afternoon. I hope to see you at one or even all of these events. Keep a look out for the school newsletter tomorrow for more details.

Take care,

Monday, 14 May 2012

Great Start to Term 2!

Kia ora everyone,

Wow, what an amazing first three weeks we have had to start the term. Our school wide theme of 'Community' as an opportunity to give back is alive and well throughout the school.

Our Whanau Groups are a great example of this in action, as you can see with the photos below. The groups below are discussing our theme and what they are doing in their individual classes across the school. Whanau Groups meet every three weeks on a Friday morning and are made up of students across all year levels. The intention is that students would stay in the same Whanau Group throughout their time at Christchurch East as an opportunity to develop student and staff relationships across the school.

Also our staff continue with regular professional development to undertake their role in our school community. This photo is from a staff meeting session with Marg Wright who support us with numeracy developments.

Our board has also had a lot of training and meetings this term. Below is picture of some of the members creating their planter box art.

Our PTA ran a Disco last Friday which was a great event for our students. Well done team!

Have a great week everyone,
